FindNDialEG is a smart and easy contacts find and dial app for iPhone 4.3, based on predictive search of consecutive digits in phone numbers/letter in names, to increase productivity of the users (in terms of times spent in searching for a contact traditionally). It's a cute little high utility app to be used everyday by any iPhone user.
It often happens that one of your iPhone contacts calls you on your home land-line phone and you go through a hard-time trying to figure out his details, since conventional address book lets you search for contacts from the start, e.g. to search for "Daniel" we need to type "Dan" etc,to search for the number 613 750 6015, we need to type "613" etc. Same goes true for cell-phones, imagine you are searching for your colleague “Peter” saved as “Office.Peter” and not getting his details, instead the search result shows you your cousin “Peter” whose name is saved as “Peter”.
With FindNDialEG, put those worries to rest. Type any number of consecutive digits/letters combination, present anywhere in the contacts name/phone number, and voilĂ , you get the contact you are looking for.
*Search for a phone number and the contact on the basis of any consecutive combination of digits, i.e. Number based search
*Search for a contact and his phone number on the basis of any consecutive combination of letters, i.e. Name based search
*View selected contact list and phone type, e.g. iPhone, mobile phone,FAX etc.
*Edit/Add/Remove details of the selected contact inside the application
*Make calls by single tapping any of the selected contacts from the list.
The app seems to work just fine, but what I really want to do is to search on the "notes" field. Can you tell me when there will be an update that will do this?